Shashi Tharoor 'Loves' News18 Creatives on Delhi Pollution Crisis; Which is Your Favourite?

Shashi Tharoor 'Loves' News18 Creatives on Delhi Pollution Crisis; Which is Your Favourite?

News 18 | Pictures, they say, are worth a thousand words, and sometimes even more. A single image or illustration can capture the entire gamut of a situation which might otherwise take pages and pages of text to explain.

And speaking of reams, much has been written about pollution in India's Capital and its surrounding regions, with the genre reaching the peak of its volume during the winter months, because everyone forgets about how they've lost 10 years of their life in the summer months, when they can breathe without wheezing.

And, of course, where there is text, there are images. From street graffiti artists to news agency illustrators, many a pen (whether ink or digital) has conjured up visceral images of the devastating effects of Delhi's air pollution on its citizenry's viscera. Read more